Yippeee !!! The new year has arrived and I spent a very interesting hour on the very first day trying to contact my parents and sister after the new year celebratory fireworks in my city of Guwahati left a measly number of five people dead and around 50 odd injured. ..Tch..Tchh..Blasts not even worth mentioning actually !!
So heres wishing you all a very Happy Year ahead and alongwith it wishing you all loads of luck.
For it is luck alone that is proving to be the biggest Saviour of common men who are stupid enough to go and buy vegetables in crowded markets, who are crazy to go and have a drink at their favourite hangouts and for still catching the local train to work.... There is no one but us to blame now. We cannot say that we were not forewarned.
So Lord, forget about wealth, health and prosperity. Just give us a larger share of luck . We may just manage to get back home in one piece each day of the year.